13. ROS Node: drive_bot

ROS Node: drive_bot

This server node provides a ball_chaser/command_robot service to drive the robot around by setting its linear x and angular z velocities. The service server publishes messages containing the velocities for the wheel joints.

After writing this node, you will be able to request the ball_chaser/command_robot service, either from the terminal or from a client node, to drive the robot by controlling its linear x and angular z velocities.


The drive_bot.cpp node is similar to the arm_mover.cpp node that you already wrote. Both nodes contain a ROS publisher and service . But this time, instead of publishing messages to the arm joint angles, you have to publish messages to the wheels joint angles. Please refer to the arm_mover.cpp node before you begin coding the drive_bot.cpp node.

ROS Service File

1- Write the DriveToTarget.srv file

Create a DriveToTarget.srv file under the srv directory of ball_chaser . Then, define the DriveToTarget.srv file as follows:

Request :

  • linear_x type float64
  • angular_z type float64

Response :

  • msg_feedback type string

2- Test DriveToTarget.srv

After writing the service file, test it with ROS. Open a new terminal and execute the following:

$ cd /home/workspace/catkin_ws/
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rossrv show DriveToTarget

You should receive this response:

float64 linear_x
float64 angular_z
string msg_feedback

drive_bot.cpp Node

Now it’s time to write the drive_bot.cpp server node that will provide the ball_chaser/command_robot service. Create the script under the src directory of your ball_chaser package. It might be a bit challenging to write this script from scratch, thus I am providing you with some hints.

Attached below is a program that will continuously publish to the robot /cmd_vel topic. This code will drive your robot forward:

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"
//TODO: Include the ball_chaser "DriveToTarget" header file

// ROS::Publisher motor commands;
ros::Publisher motor_command_publisher;

// TODO: Create a handle_drive_request callback function that executes whenever a drive_bot service is requested
// This function should publish the requested linear x and angular velocities to the robot wheel joints
// After publishing the requested velocities, a message feedback should be returned with the requested wheel velocities

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Initialize a ROS node
    ros::init(argc, argv, "drive_bot");

    // Create a ROS NodeHandle object
    ros::NodeHandle n;

    // Inform ROS master that we will be publishing a message of type geometry_msgs::Twist on the robot actuation topic with a publishing queue size of 10
    motor_command_publisher = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/cmd_vel", 10);

    // TODO: Define a drive /ball_chaser/command_robot service with a handle_drive_request callback function

    // TODO: Delete the loop, move the code to the inside of the callback function and make the necessary changes to publish the requested velocities instead of constant values
    while (ros::ok()) {
        // Create a motor_command object of type geometry_msgs::Twist
        geometry_msgs::Twist motor_command;
        // Set wheel velocities, forward [0.5, 0.0]
        motor_command.linear.x = 0.5;
        motor_command.angular.z = 0.0;
        // Publish angles to drive the robot

    // TODO: Handle ROS communication events

    return 0;

Take a look at this program and try to understand what is happening. Then, copy it to drive_bot.cpp , and make the necessary changes to define a ball_chaser/command_robot service.

Edit CMakeLists.txt

After you write the server node in C++, you’ll have to add the following dependencies:

  • Add the add_compile_options for C++ 11 dependency, this step is optional and depends on your code
  • Add the add_service_files dependency which defines the DriveToTarget.srv file
  • Add the generate_messages dependency
  • Add include_directories dependency
  • Add the add_executable , target_link_libraries , and add_dependencies dependency for your drive_bot.cpp script

Build Package

Now that you’ve included specific instructions for your drive_bot.cpp code in CMakeLists.txt file, compile it with:

$ cd /home/workspace/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make

Test drive_bot.cpp

To test if the service you wrote is working, first launch the robot inside your world. Then call the /ball_chaser/command_robot service to drive the robot forward, left, and then right.

1- Launch the robot inside your world

$ cd /home/workspace/catkin_ws/
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch my_robot world.launch

2- Run the drive_bot node

$ cd /home/workspace/catkin_ws/
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun ball_chaser drive_bot

3- Request a ball_chaser/command_robot service

Test the service by requesting different sets of velocities from the terminal.

Open a new terminal while all the nodes are running and type:

$ cd /home/workspace/catkin_ws/
$ source devel/setup.bash

$ rosservice call /ball_chaser/command_robot "linear_x: 0.5
angular_z: 0.0"  # This request should drive your robot forward

$ rosservice call /ball_chaser/command_robot "linear_x: 0.0
angular_z: 0.5"  # This request should drive your robot left

$ rosservice call /ball_chaser/command_robot "linear_x: 0.0
angular_z: -0.5"  # This request should drive your robot right

$ rosservice call /ball_chaser/command_robot "linear_x: 0.0
angular_z: 0.0"  # This request should bring your robot to a complete stop

Launch Files

Let’s add the drive_bot node to a launch file. Create a ball_chaser.launch file under the launch directory of your ball_chaser package and then copy this code to it:


 <!-- The drive_bot node -->
  <node name="drive_bot" type="drive_bot" pkg="ball_chaser" output="screen">


This code will launch your drive_bot node, which is contained in the ball_chaser package. The server node outputs all the logs to the terminal window.

Task Description:

Follow these steps to create the drive_bot node :

Task List:

Task Feedback:

Great job!